
Joe Leary's 3 O'Clock Threesome

Weekdays at three, join Joe Leary for the Three O’clock Threesome.

Listen for Joe’s Threesome of tunes and if you can figure out the theme, just call him (613) 750-1069 or toll free 1 (800) 754-1069!

Be the first caller with the correct answer and you’ll score a $50 Lone Star Texas Grill (East) gift card and four tickets to ride Jed the Mechanical bull at Lone Star Texas Grill (East) – only on Thursday nights at 9:00pm, starting January 27th and every Thursday night after that.

The Three O’Clock Threesome with Joe Leary brought to you by Lone Star Texas Grill (East), 1211 Lemieux Street only on 106.9 THE BEAR.

Please do not register! This is not an online contest!

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