THE BEAR Intern's Blog

First full song

Posted By: Gazoo · 4/26/2013 1:13:00 PM

Do u play guitar?

Or any instrument for that matter?

I  took up Guitar this summer. I had some free time on my hands, Not that i see much of that anymore. I remember at the beggining i was so pumped. I Literally spent 8 hours playing some days. It was really gratifying when I learned some chords and my fingers got quicker at switching. I wanted to play songs but i needed the pieces first. Eventually I started doing some simple stuff But I couldn't get  a song completly. Just playing some parts was good enough for me. Whenever I would get a few minutes I would practice. It's tough when you have a lot of stuff to do though itsd hard to find a chunk of time and learn guitar. I'll tell you though It's so fufilling to just take the initiative and learn a skill on your ...