THE BEAR's Breakfast Blog

Rifles For Toddlers

Posted By: Jay Herrington · 5/3/2013 5:40:00 AM

I've often thought of moving back to the United States. To be clear, I am an American Citizen with permanent resident status in Canada.  I'm a landed immigrant -- and have been here since I was six months old. I've never filed for citizenship because I'm essentially lazy. That's the only reason.

Canada is my home and I consider myself a proud Canadian -- even if it doesn't say so on paper. But moving to the US has always been in the back of my head in a "keeping my options open" kind of way.

Whenever I'm thinking of a move it's always to a southern state. I see myself sick of Canadian winters and envision a move to Arizona to buy a cheap house on a golf course. But now -- I'm not too sure.

This whole lack of gun control thing is beginning to frighten the living Hell out of me. Specifically today, after the death of a two year old girl in Kentucky, killed by her five year old brother.

Accidental child shootings happen -- not all the time -- but they happen. This is the first time though that I've heard of a five year old killing a two year old with his own gun.

In this case -- it was a gun called the Cricket, marketed as "My First Rifle". It was the boy's gun given to him a year ago as a gift. A year ago. When he was a four year old boy. His parents gave a four year old a gun. As a present.

I know I've repeated myself there. But it gets even more ridiculous the more you see it, doesn't it? The parents of a four year old boy gave him a .22 calibre rifle as a present. And it's all perfectly legal.

I've been to the Cricket website -- and have attached a couple of photos (see above) that you can have a look at. They even have pink guns – you know, because little girls love pink.

Obviously I feel for this entire family. The two year old girl whose life ended unexpectedly and prematurely. The five year old boy who probably still doesn’t understand what he’s done. To some extent even the parents – who as far as I’m concerned are no better than drug addicts who let a toddler run loose in a crack house. I don’t want to say lowest common denominator – but they’re pretty damn close.

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  1. kevin posted on 05/03/2013 06:14 AM
    All I can say it is simply crazy. Speak out against it too strong and you might end up court. Jim Carey's has/still is going over one hell of a court battle for his last video mocking (spoof) gun control.
  2. Kevin posted on 05/03/2013 10:04 AM
    This all so stupid. making a gun especially for a child, and not a bb gun, but a 22 calibre which will kill. When will Americans ever smarten up, i doubt never. They have it in their head, that its a right to have a gun and they dont want ordinary guns, they want asault rifles and such.
  3. Nicole posted on 05/03/2013 10:12 AM
    Your right, this is very scary. I don't know what they were thinking when they decided that a 4 year old was responsible enough to have a gun. Growing up my father had guns, locked and in a gun cabinet. But my sisters and I were always taught to stay away from them. Not until we all completed the hunting course were we able to handle them and we didn't do the course until we were 17. I have heard so many horror stories I won't even keep guns in my house.
  4. Stu posted on 05/03/2013 11:59 AM
    I see no problem with kids shooting provided they are being directly supervised by someone with a valid firearms license (as per Canadian law). Hopefully my kids will be interested in joining me someday. In the case Jay mentioned above, I blame the parents for what happened. First of all, the rifle was NOT being stored safely. I don't care what the laws are, you DON'T leave a gun standing in the corner of the room. And second, you NEVER leave a child unattended around firearms, loaded or not. My daughter is four and as smart as she is, she can't possibly understand how serious and dangerous guns are. I don't necessarily think we need more gun control, but we definitely need more harsh and consistent punishments for "accidents" or crimes involving guns and people need to be more responsible with firearms in general.
  5. Cat posted on 05/13/2013 04:50 PM
    I agree it is scary BUT I know many people who have grown up with and around guns and we're raised to use them properly. In fact a family of three boys all 2 years apart, all given guns at the same age of this little boy. It all depends on how their parents educate them, and how the firearms are stored. No accidents in any of those families. Proper education, supervision, and discipline can make a world of difference. And all are now grown up, avid hunters and practice proper handling and storing of all guns. Unfortunately in this case a young child lost their life, but that shouldn't put a stop to others who can operate and use them properly.
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